PolarFinder for Linux
After the installing procedure you can find an executable named QTPolarFinder under the /usr/bin folder. You can launch PolarFinder by clicking on this icon. This icon reppresents a miniaturized polarfinder timer. PolarFinder is just a sideral timer. Infact PolarFinder using the longitude definde in the longitude boxes calculate the sideral local time. After calculating sideral local time PolarFinder calculate the Polaris position. The red reticule pattern describe the polaris position like a polar scope. The white marker instead shows the real polaris position. In the upper panel you can read information about the previous peak and the next peak. For the previous peak you can read the time pass from and the hour of the peak. For the next peak you can read the time remaining and the hour in which the peak will be reached. All these times are solar times. The number indicates solar hours not sideral hours. In the botton panel you can read other information: the SMLT (Sideral Medium Local Time) and the position and the SMGT (Sideral Medium Greenwich Time). The two scrollbars allows you to refresh speed of the timer (default setted to one second) and the polaris position image default setted to forty-five second. |